Archive for category “Bosskills” — page 8

Smells like…victory.

So, the page is finally back up and we have done a few more things. We did the Assembly of Iron aka Iron Council hardmode, and last lockout also completed the hardmode on General Vezax aptly named I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning. We didn’t have helicopters, but there were definitely some flying involved. However there were no fat guy in a cave at the end.

General Vezax aka Charlie
General Vezax aka Charlie

This lockout we also had a lucky paladin getting the legendary Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings. Grats to Lurppa for getting more bubbles.

Legen...wait for it...dary!
Legen…wait for it…dary!


After cancelling wednesdays raid because of the incredible crapness that is the Stormscale server, we quickly did the Flame Leviathan hard mode and got to work on the hard mode of XT-002 Deconstructor. It’s a fight that is pretty finely tuned between a tight enrage timer and heavy raid damage, and it really felt good to kill it after 15 or so tries. The kill itself wasn’t exactly perfect, but certainly good enough.


They’re coming outta the walls. They’re coming outta the goddamn walls!

Ripley: “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”

So we did. Except for the “take off” part. We didn’t really do that. A couple of grapple happy few did though. They totally took off. Go them!

We mostly hunt at night. Mostly
We mostly hunt at night. Mostly.

The server was slightly better than usual for a Wednesday night. A small break while it was at it’s worst was all we really needed, which is a welcome diversion from the usual cancelled raids on wednesdays. This means we will get lots of time for hard modes the rest of this week.

Bonus picture:


Nice tabard m8 xD.

Capt. Hammer malfunctions. Slayers rejoice.

So Thorim decided that hard mode is too hard, and stopped casting some of his lightning. We got this meaningless achievement out of it. Hopefully the real deal will be back soon, so we can get it the proper way. Also hoping that the server will shape up and we won’t lose 2 hours of raidtime every night.

It's curtains for you Thorim. Lacy, gently wafting curtains.
It’s curtains for you Thorim. Lacy, gently wafting curtains.

Onwards to Freya with more stuff!