Early nap for Yor’sahj as nam killed the second heroic boss in Dragon Soul.

Early nap for Yor’sahj as nam killed the second heroic boss in Dragon Soul.
Saturday, mostly on a whim, Jee wanted to go hardmode EV to see how it differed from normal. Lacking enough level 50 player for a 8 man raid we got our regular stand-in Procch and someone from the general chat. Yes, you read the last part right.
The dreadful turret start got easier once we learned the turret could be cc’d. On the first boss we ran into the enrage timer a few times until at 2% the Operation seemed to fail once again, but Jee managed to bring him down very shortly after.
We went on to the second boss, and performed better cause here we had not one, but two people left at enrage. See, improvement!
The puzzle boss was pretty easy for a hardmode fight. The challenge was waiting for the other side to finish 😉 The remaining encounter was done on the second attempt once the positioning was corrected.
After the operation was complete we started on the project pink lightsaber, but got distracted by a datacron
A Song of Ice and Fire it was not, but Firelands was released in the latest patch and nam ventured in at the Sulfuron Spire.
On Thursday we killed 2 bosses, on Sunday we rested, on Monday 2 and Tuesday 2. Some of you will have made that into 6 of 7 bosses downed.
We also got some tries in on Ragnaros, and ended up at second phase before we found our way back home.
Some nice new mechanics and overall not too difficult.
After some solid attempts this evening the two drakes succumbed to our might. We had to use some tries to work it out until Schnaps mastered the art of recuperating, and after that there was no turning back. Sunblazer lost out on the tanking trinket though, there really is no justice in the world!
Congratulations on an awesome trinket Saku, well deserved! Too bad for Océanè who missed a helmet yet again! The real stars of the show were the singing sunflowers who gave a lot of inspiration and morale boosting.
Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can’t explain that. Just like that the Océanè was back and heroic Magmaw dropped on first attempt Thursday, and we had no explanation for that either. Except for Doug not having to heal.. pure coincidence. Cardiz, the High Warlord, made a guest appearance too.
Cardiz relunctantly got Flame Pillar Leggings
Schnapknight did not get Akirus the Worm-Breaker because he was watching City exit the European League.
Saku got heroic tier gloves.