So we haven’t updated for a little while, but we have been doing a bit of raiding whenever the shitserver allows it. We killed Professor Putricide last lockout. Should have done it the week before, but that’s another story. Anyways, on to more recent stuff.
This week a new wing opened up, The Crimson Hall, containing the bosses The Blood Prince Council and Blood-Queen Lana’thel. We started on the Council, where we possibly scored the worst kill in EU after a few wipes. After the Council we went up to the Blood-Queen, and that fight can be seen here:
Yesterday patch 3.3 was applied and we could start raiding the final tier in Wrath of the Lich King aptly named Fall of the Lich King. Having been on Stormscale for almost 5 years now, we were slightly apprehensive to what the server would be like at prime time and, as it turned out, rightfully so. We anticipated some fairly easy first bosses on normal mode, so in order to maximize the loot whoring we will run 2 groups through these early normal mode kills and fill up the raid with alts. This worked very well.
Zoning in around prime time we first met Lord Marrowgar. The lag hit pretty hard here, and killing Bone Spikes became quite hard. Luckily this boss is so ridiculously simple that even with lag ridden, horrible dps he died without inflicting much harm except to a few Poles, but no one likes them anyway.
Next in line was Lady Deathwhisper, and this is where the lag really became a problem. After a wipe we got a try with slightly less lag, and she died too. The Gunship Battle was a stupid and easy gimmick fight, except for being on a motherfucking boat, which was awesome. That only left us with good, old Deathbringer Saurfang. To much cries of “Dude! We loved you at the Wrath Gates!” we pulled. After an insanely long RP speech (they better make it possible to skip this!) he quickly died without much fuzz, and was dragged away.
This concludes the normal portion of The Lower Spire in Icecrown Citadel.
The few who could be persuaded to stand still for 5 seconds.
So the broodmother has returned to Azeroth in a new and updated form, still breeding like crazy but not breathing as much. We swung by her lair (it’s just a cave really, hardly any gold there at all), and made quick work of her and most of her eggs. We knew Onyxia her self would be a fairly easy boss, but had some hope that the achievements would be slightly harder. Not so much as it turned out.
After a day of trials and lots and lots of errors, we came back to Flame Leviathan with all 4 towers up. After not having much problems at all with 3 towers, we sort of thought this wouldn’t be much harder. But 50% more HP turned out to be quite a lot in what is basically a fight of attrition, and led to things like this. But after a few more tries, we finally did it.
Sometimes there is fire…and ice blocks falling from the sky…and lightning…and tiny flowers that follow you around and GET THEM OFF GET THEM OFF!!!1