Archive for tag “nam” — page 4

Nefarian ubijen opet

nam ubio Nefarian u ponedjeljak na pokušaj većina napad bili spremni za otpis. Nekako smo uspjeli preživjeti kroz bolno niske razine Mana na iscjelitelji. Nema sumnje, bez herojski skokovi u Saku i Lurppa izvrsnim regeneraciju, Nefarian i njegova sestra Onyxia bi još uvijek biti živ danas. Čestit spomenuti da Sunblazer koji kao glavni tenk uspio zadržati do 3000 HPS.

Obavijest moćni Tauren u sredini, s druge rase nije stvarno vrijedno spomena drugdje na slici. Oh, i Nefarian mrtav iza. Ili je on ..

Evo što je pao:

Helm of the Forlorn Protector – DS

Shadow of Dread – Doug

Reclaimed Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood – Schnapknight

Za one koji ne razumiju:

nam killed Nefarian on Monday on an attempt most of the raid were prepared to write off. Somehow we managed to survive through the painfully low mana levels on the healers. No doubt, without the heroic leaps of Saku and Lurppa’s superb regeneration, Nefarian and his sister Onyxia would still be alive today. Honorable mention to Sunblazer who as the main tank managed to keep up 3000 HPS.

Man the harpoons!

After a night raiding two instances, killing Chimaeron and Cho’gall, we took a nice relaxing break to the waters of Vashj’ir.

However it turned out Doug had a sinister plan for the spot as he immediately turned his attention to the Whale Shark swimming around. Many insisted that we’re gonna need a bigger boat, but channeling his inner Ahab he went ahead and aided by Ds, Runningfree, Lurppis, Hvid, Morgain, Sunblazer and Marijana the shark was kited to death to complete From Hell’s Heart I Stab at Thee.

Disappointing to find out he didn’t have any loot. Guess we should have read the achievement more closely..

I Like Turtles

Drops from the two bosses we killed:

Heart of Rage & Brackish Gloves

Twilight’s Hammer & Membrane of C’Thun

First Shadowmourne …for an alt

Maryanne has been plucking away in Icecrown Citadel defeating The Lich King and other encounters with some of her guildmates, friends, regulars and randoms. All the raiding amounted up to a certain quest involving a shiny weapon.

Shadowmourne makes for a good tanking weapon

Just to add, don’t be worried about Maryanne’s soul. It is Shadowmourne and not Frostmourne she obtained. However I am sure it was tempting to wield it.

Ooops – Halion dead and no one told!

No news to post about for ages then we kill a dragon and forget to tell about it. Old news by now but we killed Halion on the Sunday of the first lockout he was available. We probably won’t have the setup we like to attempt 25 hardmode before the summer is over.

Bring on the Lich King!

A lack of members recently had led to some weeks of poor raiding. Before this lockout we received a lot of new members from Morior Invictus which gave us an ideal setup of players. After finally being able to field a full raid nam managed to complete the remaining hardmode wingbosses, Sindragosa and the Professor Putricide, this lockout. Now all that remains is The Lick King, the hard version!