Archive for tag “shadowmourne”

First Shadowmourne …for an alt

Maryanne has been plucking away in Icecrown Citadel defeating The Lich King and other encounters with some of her guildmates, friends, regulars and randoms. All the raiding amounted up to a certain quest involving a shiny weapon.

Shadowmourne makes for a good tanking weapon

Just to add, don’t be worried about Maryanne’s soul. It is Shadowmourne and not Frostmourne she obtained. However I am sure it was tempting to wield it.

First Shadowmourne

Congratulations to Sunblazer who after several lockouts in Icecrown Citadel completed the quest to get Shadowmourne on Sunday.

Sunblazer with Shadowmourne
Sunblazer with Shadowmourne

Later in the evening we went and killed Yogg-Saron. Since there was no keepers to help us Mimiron’s head dropped. Doug was the lucky roller and despite several lucrative offers did not want to give or sell head.

Those magnificent Tauren in their flying machines