Capt. Hammer malfunctions. Slayers rejoice.

So Thorim decided that hard mode is too hard, and stopped casting some of his lightning. We got this meaningless achievement out of it. Hopefully the real deal will be back soon, so we can get it the proper way. Also hoping that the server will shape up and we won’t lose 2 hours of raidtime every night.

It's curtains for you Thorim. Lacy, gently wafting curtains.
It’s curtains for you Thorim. Lacy, gently wafting curtains.

Onwards to Freya with more stuff!

Stormscale proves awesomest yet again

Start of the new lockout and we manage to take down the first four bosses, but with the exception of Flame Leviathan all other bosses laggs like crazy. Kinda like the Cat Lady. Very varied latency make us stop the 25 man raid at Council. Instead we formed a 10 man raid for some achievements.


Notable ones were killing Freya with two Elders up and Hodir within the three minute limit for the rare cache. The “special” loot from Hodir was Shiver.

Some more achievements

Last night we managed one more achievement, killing Freya with one Elder up. On Sunday we got a minor one on Hodir, as our members do not know how to move and prevent the stacks.

Knocking on Freya's door.
Knocking on Freya’s door.

We also had a few attempts at Thorim, but we will not kill him in hardmode before people learn how to move. Wait, that sounds familiar.. So we only got the half way there achievement

Close, but no cigar.
Close, but no cigar.

Healing the tank in the tunnel should also boost our chances.

Superku does much better screens than me, nag on him to take more!

Get to da choppa! Flame Leviathan semi-hard.

This lockout we started with a semi-hard Flame Leviathan. We left two towers up and attacked with our army of war engines.

Flame on!
Flame on!

After some attempts and driver shuffling we got him down in a flawless kill with two towers still standing. My only objection is that the chopper side car is not designed for a Tauren!

The first night of the lockout resulted in six other kills, up to Auriaya, despite the difficult conditions with latency spikes.

If you wonder where Get to da choppa! is from the answer is here

Got instance servers?

When you hear Blizzard is doing another round of adjustments to make the raid bosses easier in Ulduar, you can’t avoid thinking of the amounts of people streaming into the instance to raid. That is bad news for existing raiders who already experience very poor performance during evenings on Stormscale. Where are the plans to improve the situation so there actually is capacity for all the raiders?