Archive for week 17, 2009

Old god down.

On the last day of the first lockout in Ulduar we finally killed the old god Yogg-Saron.

Me and the old god.
/flex for Freya


A very fun, and challenging fight. The hard mode is going to be insane! This kill concludes our journey into Ulduar on “easy mode” and now the real fun begins.

Oh, and we killed Ignis the Furnace Master on Monday. Boy did he get nerfed hard.

Weekend wonders in the World of Warcraft.

It’s been a long time since we’ve raided as much as we do now, and this weekend we got a few more bosskills in Ulduar. 5 to be exact. More specifically the bosses were:

And some of the spoils:


Mimiron and the General have some of the most annoying trash we’ve seen in a while. Certainly on par with Tempest Keep / AQ40 trash. The good thing about the Mimiron trash is that once you’re past it, you can teleport past it even if it respawns. Vezax really needs a teleport in his room!

In other news we killed Yogg-Saron on 10 man. Woot!
