Archive for January 2010

Bite my shiny feathery ass!

So we haven’t updated for a little while, but we have been doing a bit of raiding whenever the shitserver allows it. We killed Professor Putricide last lockout. Should have done it the week before, but that’s another story. Anyways, on to more recent stuff.

This week a new wing opened up, The Crimson Hall, containing the bosses The Blood Prince Council and Blood-Queen Lana’thel. We started on the Council, where we possibly scored the worst kill in EU after a few wipes. After the Council we went up to the Blood-Queen, and that fight can be seen here:

PoV: Tommi the Pole. The music is his choice…

New year, new content.

This lockout we got a new wing open in Icecrown Citadel, Plagueworks. This wing contains Festergut, Rotface and Professor Putricide. Tried to do a raid on patch day, but that got fucked right up the butt by the utterly shit server that is Stormscale. Went again Thursday and killed the two first fairly easily.

Something funny haha shitserver.