No news to post about for ages then we kill a dragon and forget to tell about it. Old news by now but we killed Halion on the Sunday of the first lockout he was available. We probably won’t have the setup we like to attempt 25 hardmode before the summer is over.
Bring on the Lich King!
A lack of members recently had led to some weeks of poor raiding. Before this lockout we received a lot of new members from Morior Invictus which gave us an ideal setup of players. After finally being able to field a full raid nam managed to complete the remaining hardmode wingbosses, Sindragosa and the Professor Putricide, this lockout. Now all that remains is The Lick King, the hard version!
First Shadowmourne
Congratulations to Sunblazer who after several lockouts in Icecrown Citadel completed the quest to get Shadowmourne on Sunday.

Later in the evening we went and killed Yogg-Saron. Since there was no keepers to help us Mimiron’s head dropped. Doug was the lucky roller and despite several lucrative offers did not want to give or sell head.

Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10)
A group of nam raiders completed all the quests of Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10) and received their new Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher.
Faisst most kindly agreed to pose for the camera.

Earlier in the evening we completed Heroic: The Crimson Hall (25)
Fall of the Lich King.
Worst kill EU has sort of been the mantra for us during progress in Icecrown Citadel, and by no means was the last fight in normal mode any different. The Lich King, the last hurdle before hard modes, was slightly annoying. After lots of tries with little progress, and the Olympics on TV, we were ready to call it quits. But a slight change in tactic suddenly meant some progress and finally, in what has to be the worlds sloppiest kill, it was RP tiem!
The HWL got a new sword and Bowjo got a polearm.

In other news, we are recruiting a whole lot of classes! Head on over to the forum if you would like to hang out with us.