Archive for tag “nam” — page 2
In a galaxy f..illed up to the brim
Plenty of people who played for nam at the launch of World of Warcraft several years ago have started to play Star Wars: The Old Republic. You will find us on the server Bloodworthy which is likely to have a Scandinavian influence with several large guilds starting there.
First Legen….wait for it….dary to Razoria
Following the kill of Ragnaros today Razoria completed the quest and obtained Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest.

That troll had been running around with dragon essence without telling us.

A Song of Ice and Fire it was not, but Firelands was released in the latest patch and nam ventured in at the Sulfuron Spire.

On Thursday we killed 2 bosses, on Sunday we rested, on Monday 2 and Tuesday 2. Some of you will have made that into 6 of 7 bosses downed.

We also got some tries in on Ragnaros, and ended up at second phase before we found our way back home.

Some nice new mechanics and overall not too difficult.
Valiona & Theralion killed in a heroic fashion
After some solid attempts this evening the two drakes succumbed to our might. We had to use some tries to work it out until Schnaps mastered the art of recuperating, and after that there was no turning back. Sunblazer lost out on the tanking trinket though, there really is no justice in the world!

Congratulations on an awesome trinket Saku, well deserved! Too bad for Océanè who missed a helmet yet again! The real stars of the show were the singing sunflowers who gave a lot of inspiration and morale boosting.