Heroic Magmaaaaawwww

Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can’t explain that. Just like that the Océanè was back and heroic Magmaw dropped on first attempt Thursday, and we had no explanation for that either. Except for Doug not having to heal.. pure coincidence. Cardiz, the High Warlord, made a guest appearance too.

Ds asked me to point out where he was on the picture

Cardiz relunctantly got Flame Pillar Leggings

Schnapknight did not get Akirus the Worm-Breaker because he was watching City exit the European League.

Saku got heroic tier gloves.

Mobus deaded

Swimming around Razoria found this rare whale! Joining in Saku, Tya and Doug managed to get him down without dying of boredom. Tip to others that might read this, bring more dps..

There (s)he blows!

Don’t make a sound!

Would be a lot easier if raidmembers weren’t so noisy and knew that fire was bad. Especially on the tank spot… We got the kill though tonight after a few tries, much quicker than we anticipated. Good work avoiding the fire in the end anonymous troll shadow priest.

Just lacking Magmaw and Omnitron Defense System now before we start the struggle on Nefarian.

Sunblazer was alone standing at Nefarian, heh!

Cardiz got a heroic bell.

Ds some heroic shoes.

Have you ever tried building something to scale? Despite your best efforts it turns out wrong somehow. Something Doug found out when visiting Molten Core with a mace.

Mace envy

Scientific breakthrough

Another achievement made in the name of science tonight as we finally got some bad attempts out of the way before getting the kill. So in the same week as Melo went to Knicks, Malo went on the list of conquered heroic bosses.

For Science!

Saku got tier legs.

Zenon got a new belt.

Ds got a new cloak.