So the broodmother has returned to Azeroth in a new and updated form, still breeding like crazy but not breathing as much. We swung by her lair (it’s just a cave really, hardly any gold there at all), and made quick work of her and most of her eggs. We knew Onyxia her self would be a fairly easy boss, but had some hope that the achievements would be slightly harder. Not so much as it turned out.
Archive for September 2009
First world event mount in nam
Observed by all twenty five of us
Long time overdue…. we finally made Algalon reconsider his calculations. After just missing out on Tuesday, we got him to 6% before wiping, we Observed Algalon on our third attempt this lockout.
Congratulations to the main tank healer who managed to die!
Catching up
After some very slow summer weeks with some very relaxed Ulduar runs, we caught up two-three weeks ago with some overdue achievements like Firefighter (25 player). Two lockouts ago we also managed Observed (10 player).
Oh, and I got a pony.