Schnaps gets his legendaries

It takes some time getting legendary daggers in 10 man. Firelord Schnaps got his on Sunday after picking up …some stuff after each boss was slain week after week. Golad, Twilight of Aspects & Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages are finally in his possession.

Legendaries gives you wings.

We also got Heroic Spine down same night. Jaelin half drunk from Mother’s Day, respect, got Heart of Unliving, Rottkäppchen walked off with Gloves of Liquid Smoke.

Har’koa is going to be pissed

I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK

To get regular raids in SW:TOR nam has merged with the Norwegian guild Axemen. Whisper Agrajag, Zenon or Jee to get invite for raiding

Meanwhile on Bloodthirsty

nam has been doing both 16 and 8 men operations the last few weeks, but mostly 8 man due to turnout. We killed SOA 16 man before the mindtrap fix which had some nice results at times. Also finding that killing him he didn’t drop Rakata gear due to a loot bu…feature with master loot.

Tanks usually end up dead after the third pylon
Action picture from the packs leading up to the hutt

Tonight in Dragon Soul

Tonight we went left and right instead of right and right and well…. someone got dizzy

A great sacrifie was needed to get this photo op

The raid has been bolstered with tauren presence!

Group hug
The tauren trio plot the strategy for the next encounter