Archive for category “News” — page 14

Call of the Grand Crusade

Proper crusaders now, but no special chests. With 12 attempts left we managed to kill Anub’arak on heroic mode.

We got Protector and Vanquisher regalia that went to Faisst and Cardiz.

Somebody had a camera so we all lined up
Somebody had a camera so we all lined up

Bindings of the Ashen Saint
Armbands of Dark Determination
Gauntlets of Bitter Reprisal

Our gnome attempt did not work that well… maybe we had too few?

Our gnome strategy did not work
Our gnome strategy failed when we ran out of wands

First world event mount in nam

Cardiz got the first mount in nam completing his long, strange trip late on Saturday.

That mage is also a tall warlord.
That mage is also a tall warlord.

After the picture was taken, Cardiz did not get drunk and fall 65 yards. Remember kids, don’t drink and fly!

Summer, summer, summertime

Time to sit back and unwind. Or we have been, which explains the lack of news or updates.

nam has had a summer break and has not been doing any attempts on new hard modes for some weeks. There should be a return to action now and more hard modes will be attempted along with the new Tournament bosses as they become available.

In recruitment news, we are maybe looking for another healer, and a dedicated hunter.