Archive for category “Achievements” — page 2

Archimonde dead!

Sunday two weeks ago we finally did Archimonde on normal after coasting a lot so far and doing heroic bosses. After the obligatory wipes we got the kill so we could start upgrading our rings.

Only Doug stacked as he was the only one knowing there would be a picture taken.

Here is the loot:


Schnaps gets his legendaries

It takes some time getting legendary daggers in 10 man. Firelord Schnaps got his on Sunday after picking up …some stuff after each boss was slain week after week. Golad, Twilight of Aspects & Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages are finally in his possession.

Legendaries gives you wings.

We also got Heroic Spine down same night. Jaelin half drunk from Mother’s Day, respect, got Heart of Unliving, Rottkäppchen walked off with Gloves of Liquid Smoke.

Har’koa is going to be pissed