Tonight we went left and right instead of right and right and well…. someone got dizzy

The raid has been bolstered with tauren presence!

Tonight we went left and right instead of right and right and well…. someone got dizzy
The raid has been bolstered with tauren presence!
Not content of being a dragon in his spare time, Razoria was also bold enough to need on Reins of the Blazing Drake
Early nap for Yor’sahj as nam killed the second heroic boss in Dragon Soul.
Saturday, mostly on a whim, Jee wanted to go hardmode EV to see how it differed from normal. Lacking enough level 50 player for a 8 man raid we got our regular stand-in Procch and someone from the general chat. Yes, you read the last part right.
The dreadful turret start got easier once we learned the turret could be cc’d. On the first boss we ran into the enrage timer a few times until at 2% the Operation seemed to fail once again, but Jee managed to bring him down very shortly after.
We went on to the second boss, and performed better cause here we had not one, but two people left at enrage. See, improvement!
The puzzle boss was pretty easy for a hardmode fight. The challenge was waiting for the other side to finish 😉 The remaining encounter was done on the second attempt once the positioning was corrected.
After the operation was complete we started on the project pink lightsaber, but got distracted by a datacron
As soon as our second healer reached 50, nam journed into Eternity Vault. After some initial struggles with the first sentry pull (the hardest pull in the instance) the rest was for the most part straight forward. We brought a random dps in for all the aim loot as our own powertech was away on other business. Probably underground trading so hush hush. On the screenshot you will see some old nam members like Je, Agrajag, Agrophel, Borcster and Shamyda.