Cataclysm raiding for nam started Sunday in Baradin Hold where the boss only dropped cloth pvp items, so we are just going to ignore that for now. Moving on to Blackwing Descenteveryone met with blue gear mixed with some epics and we got our first proper taste of Cataclysm raiding. Healers were wondering why the mana had gone . Our tanks were scared knowing Doug had to heal, but Sunblazer and Fauxer didn’t die …that much. No more than once per wipe anyway.
Second raid was on Tuesday and nam managed to get down the two first bosses in Blackwing Descent which made us into a Level 4 Guild!* When all periods of the Omnitron Defense System were sorted and DS stopped dying our first boss was down. Once we had Magmaw securely hooked and Schnapknight stopped mistaking his plate armour as tank gear we killed him too. The dagger for Equx dropped and Runningfree politely declined healing leather as he is terrified of trees.
Guess who missed the portal to Orgrimmar
Zenon picked up a a hoodie as Marijana thought it was too ghetto. Fauxer got a new weapon despite Lurppis claiming it a hunter weapon.
What is your coolest encounter so far in Cataclysm? For me this encounter ranks high:
With the upcoming changes for Cataclysm, in regards to raiding lockout and rewards, nam has decided to go for 10 man raid size. In order to prepare for that several members were removed, not something done lightly. The primary reason is that there are 15 less spots and the Officers felt this would give people time to organize before Cataclysm.
Most of them are good players who would be a great addition to any guild or raid.
After struggling to get members for progression raid Insert Coin and nam joined forces to take on The Lich King. After one lockout and 30 attempts he finally went down. Ready for Patch 4.0.1!
Maryanne has been plucking away in Icecrown Citadel defeating The Lich King and other encounters with some of her guildmates, friends, regulars and randoms. All the raiding amounted up to a certain quest involving a shiny weapon.
Shadowmourne makes for a good tanking weapon
Just to add, don’t be worried about Maryanne’s soul. It is Shadowmourne and not Frostmourne she obtained. However I am sure it was tempting to wield it.