Archive for category “Recruitment”

Warlords of Draenor

Release of the expansion is tonight! If you by some small miracle still check the web page, are an old member and plan to testing the expansion give one of the officers a whisper. Doug, Razoria, Beechee, Marijana or Sunblazer.

The expansion features the new spec for shaman: shadow

New members

Welcome Jaelin and Fisteh to the guild. They joined us this lockout and helped get most of bosses down in Heroic Mode. With this we are not likely to recruit further healers. Marijana might still want a warlock since they can summon at a boss and not just at the entrance. Quite handy!

Thrall could use some help

With Bowjo available next week we should attempt Beth’tilac and Ragnaros.

A preview of things to come