Archive for author Aga — page 7
Fight fire with ….everything
On Thursday nam managed to kill Ragnaros despite Schnaps missing! Or maybe…. no nevermind. Having mastered the art of assigning and counting it was pretty easy. Never knew you could bounce meteors either, neat!

Doug was cheated out of Variable Pulse Lightning Capacitor, damn trolls!
Runningfree got Helm of the Fiery Vanquisher.
Ds got Choker of the Vanquished Lord.

In other news:
– Marrianne and Malacai dinged 85 right into itemlevel 353…
– Depp cleared Zul Aman
– Jiroh killed a Occu’thar in Baradin Hold
A Song of Ice and Fire it was not, but Firelands was released in the latest patch and nam ventured in at the Sulfuron Spire.

On Thursday we killed 2 bosses, on Sunday we rested, on Monday 2 and Tuesday 2. Some of you will have made that into 6 of 7 bosses downed.

We also got some tries in on Ragnaros, and ended up at second phase before we found our way back home.

Some nice new mechanics and overall not too difficult.
On this weeks episode of Hell’s Kitchen
Things got heated in the kitchen this week and after making too much fuss, Chef Toofus ended up on the floor.

In other news, nam dinged 24 and cleared Throne of the Four Winds with 10 people.
Saku obtained Sky Strider Belt
Some troll got Soul Breath Belt
nam exclusive: Doug to appear on Hell’s Kitchen
nam is breaking the following story: After showing a range of cooking skills completing The Cataclysmically Gourmet Doug was invited to appear on the next season of Hell’s Kitchen hosted by Gordon Tramsay. The season involves a lot of swearing and epic recipes.

Watching preview of the first episode, it is rumoured that the next appearance would be in Kitchen Nightmares.