Mists of Pandaria launch a success!

Tonight after midnight MoP launched and it was a huge success, perhaps… I was online for a few seconds and it seemed OK, but it is too early to tell. More news as they appear!

the cake is a lie
I’m making a note here, huge success.

Mists of Pandaria warmup

Guild Wars 2 is being released next week, and the game opened today for those who pre-bought it. Some people associated with nam before are playing on the Far Shiverpeaks server if you are interested. nam won’t be playing there as a guild though, as there are no pandas in the game. See you in September!

Dragon is slain. Azeroth is saved.

The Heroic Spine encounter was cleared some weeks ago, but for a variety of reasons we have not been able to attempt Heroic: Madness of Deathwing solidly before this Sunday. We had some warm up tries last Monday. After being distracted by cookies we killed Deathwing upon reaching the last phase for the third time. So that is Cataclysm finished. A lot of the members will play Diablo III and then it is time for pandas when the time comes.

Thrall is pleased by this. Despite Saku being away.

Batman Schnaps walked off with Vishanka, Jaws of the Earth.

Jaelin was able to shake off the disappointment of sorting out a Power Torrent enchant in order to wield Maw of the Dragonlord.

Nefarian slain by Crueldrool. New boss of Blackwing Lair discovered.

Crueldrool could not keep away and started playing WoW in nam once again. Going back to Blackwing Lair he was easily able to defeat the dragon, but to his surprise he found a new boss taking the empty throne, the Red Tauren.

Game of Thrones. You either win or you moo.

Alternatively Crueldrool lost the musical chair game. You either win or you moo.